Laser Hair Removal

 Why Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a convenient, noninvasive method for permanently reducing or removing unwanted facial or body hair. It leaves the skin looking smoother and silkier than waxing, electrolysis or razors and is a gentle technique that can treat larger areas effectively with minimal discomfort and with no downtime. Today, laser hair removal is one of the most common non-invasive medical aesthetic procedures performed in the United States.


Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from all areas of the face and body. Our lasers safely and effectively treat all skin tones.

Precision. Lasers can selectively target the pigment in the hair follicle while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.

Speed. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in less than a minute, and large areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour.

Predictability. Most patients have permanent hair loss after an average of three to seven sessions.

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

If you are planning on undergoing laser hair removal, you should limit plucking, waxing, and electrolysis for three weeks before treatment. That's because the laser targets the hairs' roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.

You should also avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks before and after treatment. Sun exposure makes laser hair removal less effective and makes complications after treatment more likely.

What to Expect during Laser Hair Removal

The laser equipment will be adjusted according to the color, thickness, and location of your hair being treated as well as your skin color. Thanks to the hand made Italian engineering of our lasers, you will feel very minimal pain, while still experiencing dramatic results. Our lasers use the fastest technology to have you on your way in no time!

What to expect after treatment

In most cases you may return to work and other daily activities immediately following your treatment. You may notice redness or minor skin irritation after the treatment for up to 48 hours, but this usually resolves within just a few hours. Sunscreen is a 'must' on any treated areas that are exposed to the sun.


We offer complimentary consultations!

Not all laser salons are treated the equal! Come in for a complimentary consultation and test patch or underarm treatment and try us out before you commit.

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