Our Services

Because confidence is beautiful...

Laser Hair Removal


Save your time and hassle on razors, waxing, and creams. Start enjoying your shower time while kissing goodbye those unsightly ingrown hairs and razor burn. Experience what it's like to have smooth skin without all that frustration! 

Did You Know?

Laser hair removal is the number one non-invasive cosmetic treatment in the U.S!

Pigmentation Correction 

New York Laser Loft uses laser light to target and remove the pigment in sun spots, age spots, and freckles leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. Common areas include the face, chest, arms, and hands.


Did You Know?

"It has been said that a pretty face is like a passport. But it's not, its a visa, and it runs out fast." 


Laser Genesis

The NYLL Laser Genesis uses heat to damage the skin’s collagen. This may sound like a bad thing, but the process of damaging collagen sends your skin the message to repair itself by building new collagen. This tightens fine lines and wrinkles, while reducing the size of your pores, and evening out your skin tone. This treatment is good for all skin types. You will leave with a vibrant, dewy glow and little to no downtime, in only 30 minutes.

Skin Tightening

As we age our bodies produce less structural proteins such as collagen and elastin. We use a Yag laser technology to heat and penetrate deeply into the skin’s surface, causing a natural production of these proteins. This creates contracting, tightening, and more elasticity. You will look and feel years younger without any surgical or invasive procedure.